Tag / pull ups

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  • WOD 12/06/12

    400m Run 4x[ 5 HSPU, 10 Pistols, 15 Sit ups] 400m Run 4x [5 Dips, 10 Pull ups, 15 Sit ups] 400m Run

  • WOD 11/29/12

    10,9,8…1 OHS 5 Pullups/200m run after each set

  • WOD 10/20/12

    “Helen” 3 Rounds of- 400m Run 21 KBS 12 Pull ups

  • WOD 10/11/12

    400m Run 20 KBS Driveway Sprint 15 KBS Driveway Sprint 10 KBS 30 Pullups 10 KBS Driveway Sprint 15 KBS Driveway Sprint 20 KBS 400m Run

  • WOD 9/4/12

    800m Run 1 Round of “Cindy” (5 pullups, 10 push ups, 15 squats) 600m Run 2 Rounds of Cindy 400m Run 3 Rounds of Cindy 200m Run 4 Rounds of Cindy

  • WOD 7/28/12

    Block Loop 21 Pull ups 5 Broad jumps 50m Medball Carry 18 Pull ups 5 Broad jumps 50m Medball Carry 15 Pull ups 5 Broad jumps 50m Medball Carry 12 Pull ups…

  • WOD 7/17/12

    3×5 Back Squat Then: 1000m Row 21-15-9 of Wallballs and Pull ups 400m Run