Tag / jerk

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  • WOD 8/5/2024

    5 Sets – 2 Min each set 5 Squat Clean & Jerks Remaining time max rep elevated ring rows Rest 1 minute between sets

  • WOD 6/30/24

    “Bestie for the Restie” With a Partner complete- 600m Run or Row (together) —– 10 Rounds (YGIG)- 12x Deadlift 9x Hang Power Clean 6x Push Jerks —– 400m Run or Row (together)…

  • WOD 6/11/24

    Part 1:  OTM 10 minutes- 1x Power Clean, 2x Jerk Part 2:  18,15,12,9,6 TTB Hand Release Push Ups KBS

  • WOD 6/5/24

    Part 1- AMRAP 8 minutes: 6x Alternating DB Press 4x Alternating DB Thruster 2x Wall Walks Part 2- 5×3 (Progressive) Jerks

  • WOD 5/12/24

    E2MOM for 20 Minutes: 1x Clean 1x Front Squat 1x Thruster 1x Jerk

  • WOD 4/15/24

    Part 1:  OTM 10 minutes- 2x Power Snatch Part 2: 5 Rounds- 1x Cluster 3x Clean and Jerk 5x Bar Facing Burpees 7x TTB

  • WOD 4/10/24

    3 Rounds: 15x Clean and Jerk 400m Run or 500m Row Plank for as long as run or row time.