Tag / clean

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  • WOD 4/15/24

    Part 1:  OTM 10 minutes- 2x Power Snatch Part 2: 5 Rounds- 1x Cluster 3x Clean and Jerk 5x Bar Facing Burpees 7x TTB

  • WOD 4/10/24

    3 Rounds: 15x Clean and Jerk 400m Run or 500m Row Plank for as long as run or row time.

  • WOD 2/26/24

    Part 1- 4,8,12,16,20,24 Alternating DB Hang Power Clean 2,4,6,8,10,12 Burpee Over DB Part 2- Clean and Jerk 5,5,4,4,4,3,3

  • WOD 2/1/24

    Part 1:  OTM 10 minutes- 1x Clean Pull, 1x Hang Squat Clean Part 2:  12x Clusters (Clean+Thruster) 400m Run or 500m Row 9x Clusters 400m Run or 500m Row 6x Clusters 400m…

  • WOD 1/17/24

    Part 1:  OTM 15 minutes: 1x Clean Pull, 1x Power Clean, 1x Squat Clean Part 2:  AMRAP 5 minutes: 500m Row Max Rep Wallballs

  • WOD 11/25/23

    15 Rounds- 3x Push Ups 3x Deadlifts —–Rest 3 minutes—- 10 Rounds- 3x Push Ups 3x Power Clean + Shoulder to Overhead —–Rest 3 minutes—- 5 Rounds- 3x Push Ups 3x Power…

  • WOD 10/19/23

    1600m Run or Row 1 Min Max Rep Clean and Jerk Rest 3 minutes 800m Run or Row 1 Minute Max Rep Power Snatch Rest 3 minutes 400m Run or Row 1…