Tag / power clean
WOD 7/22/24
Part 1: OTM 10 minutes- 1x Clean Pull, 1x Power Clean Part 2: 500m Run or Row 40x Box Jumps 30x Medball Cleans
07/21/2024 -
WOD 7/7/24
Part 1: 4 Rounds- Every 3 minutes on the minute: 3x Deadlift w/5 sec descent. Part 2: 30x Deadlift 600m Run or Row 20x Power Clean 400m Run or Row 10x Front…
07/06/2024 -
WOD 6/25/24
Part 1: 5 Sets- 3x Power Clean, 2x Front Squats, 1x Shoulder to Overhead Part 2: 80 Box Jumps At the top of every minute complete 4x Devil’s Press.
06/24/2024 -
WOD 6/18/24
EMOM 18 minutes: Minute 1: 5x Power Cleans Minute 2: Max Calorie Row or Spin or Shuttle Runs Minute 3: 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats
06/17/2024 -
WOD 6/4/24
Part 1- OTM 10 minutes: 2x Squat Clean Part 2- 22-16-10 Power Clean Front Rack Reverse Lunge 200m Run or 300m Row after each set.
06/03/2024 -
WOD 5/21/24
In teams of 2, 1 working at a time: AMRAP 25 minutes- 150x Double Unders 50x Push Ups 15x Power Cleans