Category / WOD

Workout of the Day

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  • WOD 10/25/11

    5 rounds: 200m run 7 dips 200m run 7 box jumps 200m run 7 lateral hurdle jumps 200m run 7 wallballs

  • WOD 10/24/11

    10,9,8…1 HSPU Sit ups 200m run after even rounds then 5×3 Deadlift

  • WOD 10-21-11


  • WOD 10-20-11

    Option 1: 5 sets of 3 Push jerks (5×3) Then 5 sets of 3 Deadlifts (5×3) Option 2: 4 rounds: 15 Push jerks (mid range load) 500m row Then: 5 sets of 3…

  • WOD 10/19/11

    “Interrupted Karen” 3 minutes max rep wallballs 1 Heavy squat clean on the minute for 5 minutes Remaining wallball reps to reach 150 reps

  • WOD 10-18-11

    400m run 21/15/9 dips/Situps/Pullups 800m Run 21-15-9 Dips/situps/Pullups 400m Run

  • WOD 10/17/11

    AMRAP 10 minutes: 75 Double Unders 50 Box Jumps (24/20) 25 Shoulder to Overhead (105/70) Then:  5×5 Front Squat