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  • WOD 7/18/24

    AMRAP 10 minutes: 5x Pull ups 10x Push Ups 15x Squats —– 1K Run, Row, or 2K Spin —– AMRAP 10 minutes: 5x Pull ups 10x Push Ups 15x Squats

  • WOD 7/16/24

    2500m —– 50x KBS —– 2500m

  • WOD 7/15/24

    Part 1:  5 Rounds- 2x Wall Walks 50x Double Unders or “Fancy” Jumps Part 2: 5×5 (Progressive) Deadlift

  • WOD 7/14/24

    10,9,8…1 CTB Pull ups Hollow Rocks After Evens:  400m Run or Row After Odds:  15x DB Thrusters

  • WOD 7/13/24

    3 Rounds- 30x KBS 300m Run or Row 30x Goblet Squat 300m Run or Row 30, Gorilla Row

  • WOD 7/11/24

    Part 1:  OTM 10 mins- 2x Power Snatch Part 2:  3 Rounds- 15x Power Snatch 15x Lateral Barbell Burpees

  • WOD 7/10/24

    AMRAP 20 minutes: 5x Muscle Up 10x Pistol (each leg) 15x DB or KB Floor Press 20x Alternating V Up