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  • WOD 3/8/2011

    4 Rounds 8 Turkish Getup (4L / 4R) 25 KBS 200m Run

  • WOD 3/5/11

    400m Run 50 KBS 25 Burpees 40 KBS 20 Burpees 30 KBS 15 Burpees 20 KBS 10 Burpees 400m Run

  • WOD 2/22/11

    AMRAP 20: 5 Burpee Pull ups 200m Run 10 KBS

  • WOD 2/14/11

    “Something Sweet for Your Heart…” 2x Fire Hydrant Run 14x Bear Complex 2x Rope Climb or Monkey Challenge 14x Box Jump 2x Prowler Push 14x Pull-ups 2x 100m Row 14x KBS

  • WOD 2/5/11

    40 Wallballs 10 KBS 30 Wallballs 20 KBS Block Loop 20 Wallballs 30 KBS 10 Wallballs 40 KBS

  • WOD 1/20/11

    400m Run then 3 rounds of: 20 KBS 20 Pullups Finish with another 400m run

  • WOD 1/18/11

    50 Wallballs 40 Pull-ups 30 Ring Dips 20 Power Snatch 10 Burpees 20 Shoulder to Overhead 30 KBS 40 Box Jumps 50 Double Unders