Category / WOD

Workout of the Day

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  • WOD 2/8/11

    “Nancy’s a Little Jumpy Today…” 5 Rounds: 400m Run 15 OHS 30 Double Unders

  • WOD 2-7-2011

    3 Rounds 5 Backsquat 10 Pullups – #1 Strict, #2 Chest to Bar, #3 Kipping Rest 90s 5 Hang Power Clean 10 GHD Situps Rest 90s

  • WOD 2/6/11

    Rest… And watch the Super Bowl on the Lab jumbo screen!

  • WOD 2/5/11

    40 Wallballs 10 KBS 30 Wallballs 20 KBS Block Loop 20 Wallballs 30 KBS 10 Wallballs 40 KBS

  • WOD 2/4/11


  • WOD 2/2/11

    1000m Row Then  5 rounds of: 7 Power Clean and Jerk 25 Air Squats

  • WOD 2/2/11

    10 Rounds: Driveway Sprint 7 Pull-ups 10 Push ups 13 Sit-ups 16 Double Unders