WOD 7/24/18
- The Grind
- 500m Row
- 50x Box Jumps (24/20)
- 50x Sit Ups
- 25x Iso Ab to Plank
- 100m Overhead Plate Carry (45/25)
- 40x Box Jumps
- 40x Sit Ups
- 20x Iso Ab to Plank
- 100m Overhead Plate Carry
- 30x Box Jumps
- 30x Sit Ups
- 15x Iso Ab to Plank
- 100m Overhead Plate Carry
- 20x Box Jump
- 20x Sit Ups
- 10x Iso Ab to Plank
- 100m Overhead Plate Carry
- 10x Box Jump
- 10x Sit Up
- 5x Iso Ab to Plank
- 100m Overhead Plate Carry
- 500m Row